The newest house in Perry, constructed through Dallas County Habitat for Humanity, is nearly complete, and more will soon join it.
Dallas County Habitat Coordinator Omar Padilla says progress on the first house was met by several weather-related delays, but once they got going the construction went quickly. He attributes that expedience to the large number of volunteers who have helped along the way, and he anticipates similar results when work begins later this year on the second new house in Perry. “So to put it simply, I have learned a lot about how difficult it is to dig a hole when the ground is frozen! But also I have learned a lot about the amazing heart of the people of Dallas County (and) the people of Iowa who always come through for a good cause. We’re about to finish house one, we’re about to start working on house two, and I have no doubt that we will complete that second house as well.”
Padilla adds, they have also found a family for whom they will build a house in 2020, so there will be no shortage of volunteer opportunities in the Perry area for quite some time. He says there will be a few more build days for the first house in the coming weeks, followed by a full slate of upcoming work on house two. Anyone interested in helping can sign up online by clicking the first link below, or by calling Padilla directly at 515-238-5785. For more information on this and other goings-on for Dallas County Habitat for Humanity, click the second link below to listen to the recent Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Padilla.