
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

During open forum, the Board heard several comments and complaints about a rental housing project in the City of Jefferson. The Board was asked about the process for which they release funds for projects. Board Chair John Muir said it was based on trust with Greene County Development Corporation and the developer, Andy Rowland of Rowland Construction Company, that it was a good project. 

Another question was asked by a resident about the number of hog confinements in the county. Supervisor Tom Contner said as long as the project meets the master matrix score, they can’t do a lot. He added even if the Board declined to allow the project, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, which oversees the matrix, would still allow it. Muir said he’s hopeful the matrix is being reviewed by the State Legislature and he personally thought the matrix was outdated.

County Engineer Wade Weiss then gave a brief update during open forum. He said gravel hauling for roads is continuing, and work is done east of Highway 4 and about 20-percent is finished west. He anticipated having all of the gravel roads covered by late August. He added that in a normal year, gravel hauling projects were done by July 4th.

The Board then approved a 28E agreement for dispatch services with the City of Jefferson. Currently the County Sheriff’s office provides dispatch services to the City at no cost. Sheriff Jack Williams said the other cities include dispatch services as part of their contract agreement for law enforcement coverage. Jefferson has a police department, but no dedicated dispatcher, which is provided by the Sheriff’s office. The agreement stipulates a $25,000 cost for dispatch services for the current fiscal year. County Attorney Thomas Laehn pointed out in the agreement that it would automatically renew at the end of the fiscal year, unless either party gave notice to terminate the agreement. The Board voted 4-1, with Contner opposing. He said he thought the amount was supposed to be $56,000, enough to pay one dispatcher for a year. The agreement is anticipated to be on the next Jefferson City Council meeting. 

Additionally the Board approved the 2019 fiscal year substance abuse treatment and prevention report, the Sheriff’s quarterly report for April-June of $60,350, the County Treasurer’s semi-annual report and they heard an update on the health insurance plan with Kingston Life.