Image courtesy of Sebourn Video Services
As the new high school and career academy project continues for the Greene County School District, change orders have started up.
The School Board approved the first change order for the project at their meeting earlier this month. They approved a $509,000 change order, mostly due to what Superintendent Tim Christensen calls “value engineering.”
“We bid the project, but then we did some what’s called ‘value engineering’ that we looked and there were certain things that we decided not to do or to change from x to y. So we already made those plans and done that, but we officially approve those at the board meeting.”
The biggest change was to the ag lab and classroom of over $26,000, along with three other expenses mainly to do with the site and utilities. The change order is close to the original estimate of $600,000 that needed to be reduced in the overall budget to get it close to the $35.48-million project.
As for the project, Christensen notes that progress keeps happening at the site west of American Athletic Incorporated, south of Highway 30. He points out that anyone can check the progress by going to the school district’s website and looking at a live cam shot of the site.