The Mary J. Barnett Memorial Library recently finished another successful summer reading program which included events for preschoolers, elementary students, and adults.
The elementary-aged program featured events from the Hanson Family entertainers, magician Mike Prestby, and author Ginnie Padden and illustrator Becca Winfred. Library Director Pat Sleister says all of the registered kids received restaurant gift certificates and had their chance at winning prizes based on the minutes they logged reading over the summer, “They won fun little prizes, they did fun things and I think it went just really well. And the older kids read over 16,000 minutes so we hope that that helps in this fall when they head out to school.”
The most minutes read by one participant was 4,500. Sleister hopes the kids will keep up their reading until school begins, and reminds them they can have more free fun at the library during their Kids Club program over the school year.