Image courtesy of DOT
The latest trend in license plates for the State of Iowa has been the new blackout plates.
It is described as a black background with white lettering. Greene County Treasurer Katlynn Mechaelsen says the new plates can be ordered just like a regular plate. She points out you have to apply for the plate and typically within 45 days they arrive. Mechaelsen makes one suggestion regarding a specialized plate.
“I would suggest that you call and see if it is available to get that. So if you come in, you tell us what you want and we’ll make sure that plate is available. And then we will send it in and then we will call you once your plates come in.”
According to the Iowa Department of Transportation, a standard plate is $35 and for a specialized plate it is another $25. Mechaelsen says you can apply through her office in the Greene County Courthouse or you can apply online. The link for an application can be found below. Proceeds from the new blackout plates go to the state’s Road Use Tax fund.