
The City of Perry and Dallas County Public Health are linking two annual events into one this year to educate residents on protecting and improving their well being.

On Saturday, August 17th, the community is invited to the first ever Public Safety and Public Health Fair. The event will run from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the Perry Hy-Vee parking lot, and combines the annual Public Safety Day and Dallas County Health Fair. Hy-Vee Community Involvement Director Larry Vodenik points out that since the vacation of the ShopKo building next door, they have a lot more parking lot space to work with this year, so he anticipates it will have the largest attendance yet for either celebration. Some of the things attendees can look forward to include a visit from the Hy-Vee “Healthy You” motorhome, the LifeServe Blood Mobile, and a “Touch a Truck” activity.

The event may also include a visit from a Life Flight helicopter, along with vehicles provided by the Perry Public Works, Police, and Fire Departments, and the Dallas County Emergency Medical Services and Sheriff’s Office. Vodenik says the event will include a cook-out provided by Hy-Vee, as well as a few more surprises in store.