The City of Perry will hold their annual household hazardous waste collection tomorrow from 9 a.m. – noon at the Public Safety Building.
During that time, Perry residents can drop off any amount of waste they have at no cost, though there are restrictions on what is accepted. Items they will take include: antifreeze, rechargeable batteries, cleaners, fertilizers, fluorescent light bulbs, glues, gasoline, kerosene, motor oil, oil filters, oil-based paint, pesticides, poison, pool chemicals, roofing tar, stains, varnishes, thermostats, mercury thermometers, vegetable oil, weed killers, and windshield fluid. Items they won’t take include: ammunition, asbestos, electronics, explosives, fire extinguishers, latex paint, propane tanks, medications, and radioactive materials.
Perry City Administrator Sven Peterson says they offer this and other clean up services each year, which he feels is a good way to help people and keep the City clean. “If we didn’t have good ways of getting rid of some of this stuff, it would either end up in the landfill, down one of our sink drains in the City, even in a road ditch somewhere. So it’s sad (and) disheartening how much stuff people will throw out into a ditch or whatever, but to be able to give a place where these chemicals and these items will be disposed of properly is really great.”
Anyone with questions is encouraged to reach out to Perry City Hall at 515-465-2481.