It’s Senior Day at the Adair County Fair, with special offerings for older visitors and entertainment for the whole family.
Admission is $3 for those 60 and older from 8 a.m.-11 a.m. today. The day begins with cinnamon rolls and coffee offered by Adair County Farm Bureau in the courtyard until supplies last. There will also be a special senior citizen event in the air-conditioned 4-H/FFA Center. Other events today include the 4-H/FFA horse show, market lamb feeder pen, market and bottle lamb, and breeding sheep show, quilt show, dog agility, and the Pride of Iowa Contest, which Deena Wells from Adair County Extension describes, “That’s a wonderful contest that teaches kids how to prepare food in the proper way, how to clean up their items in the proper way, and then how to actually assemble a recipe in front of judges.”
There will also be an ice cream social, bucket and bottle calf show, ag olympics, kid’s coin scramble, and the All Star Monster Truck Tour at 7 p.m. in the grandstand, which is free to fair attendees. Raccoon Valley Radio is broadcasting live each day from the Adair County Fair through Sunday. For a link to the full fair schedule and more information, visit the Adair County Fair Page.