The West Central Valley School Board met in regular session Wednesday evening.
The meeting began with the Board approving that the District proceed with an agreement with Kids Korner Owner Lezlie Ellerman to hold before and after school and summer daycare at Stuart Elementary for the 2019-2020 school year. Ellerman stipulated that she would pay the District $500 a month to rent one of the unused classrooms in the building. Superintendent Lance Ridgely says this agreement comes after months of discussion with several entities on addressing a need for child care in the District, and while he acknowledges this program will serve the west side of the District well, he is also looking into providing child care service in Dexter or Redfield.
Next, the Board approved student fees for the upcoming school year, which was tabled at the last meeting. They approved the fees as presented, but decided that students in 9th-12th grades will get athletic activity passes for free, and students in K-8th grades will be able to get them at a reduced price of $25. The Board also approved annual resolutions, and changes to the school handbook. The Board then approved the director of teaching and learning job description, the sale of a bus for $650, and a soccer sharing agreement with Nodaway Valley for the next season. Finally, they approved an annual list of school fundraisers.