
The Adel City Council convened Tuesday evening in regular session.

The meeting started with a public hearing regarding a proposed water pipeline easement for Xenia Rural Water in the east annex sanitary sewer project. No one objected, so later in the meeting the Council approved a resolution for the easement. Also in new business, they approved the construction contract and bond to John T. Jones Construction of Fargo, North Dakota for the new water treatment plant. That was followed by approval of a $5,000 historic preservation grant for a window replacement on the building located at 715 Main Street.

The Council then had discussion but took no action regarding the Oakdale Cemetery regulations policy, specifically on the enforcement of removing items placed on graves and improving communication. The Parks and Recreation Board will consider updates to the policy at their next meeting. Next, the Council appointed Bob Hall to the Historic Preservation Commission, and Kari Johns to the Parks and Rec Board. There were no applicants for an opening on the Library Board, so the position will be reposted and considered at a future meeting.

Other items approved included: the first reading of an ordinance to increase the future compensation for the Mayor and City Council members; change orders and pay estimates for the east annex sewer and storm water utility projects; the final pay estimate and certificate of completion for the emergency water connection project; (and) setting August 13th as the date for a consultation and public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Southbridge Urban Renewal Plan; the third reading of amendments to the snow emergency ordinance; and updating the fees for services. Finally, the Council postponed action until the next meeting on July 16th for the final plat for Sargent’s Second Addition, to more thoroughly review the proposal.