On Tuesday, a presidential candidate made his second trip to Greene County in one month.
Montana Governor Steve Bullock toured Heartland Cooperative in Rippey and spoke with some area farmers. After learning about the cooperative, Bullock discussed issues that farmers are facing. Alan Neese of Neese Incorporated said they are struggling to find workers come harvest time in the fall. A federal government program they use is not a guarantee that they can get migrant workers and it’s costly to set up. Bullock said that was an issue that needs to be addressed.

“We need to have secured borders. We need to have humane borders. What’s happening by ripping families apart is disgusting. But by the same token also, you got to have an opportunity for meaningful immigration or folks in Rippey aren’t going to have workers this year.”
Other issues that were talked about included President Donald Trump tweeting out messages that can impact the grain market prices, having access to rural internet to start and keep businesses, not having guarantees for farmers to produce a third crop, and the tariffs and trade disputes with China. Bullock explained how he’s willing to fight for Iowa farmers, especially when it comes to trade with China.

“What’s happened to your Iowa farmers and your Iowa ranchers, they’re the after effect, they’re the collateral damage in what’s happening in fighting over tech (from China). I wouldn’t have these tariffs. I would actually be bringing the global community together, and we have to be tough on China. But the way to get them to be fair on tech, and the way to get them corralled isn’t by hurting our producers and that’s what’s happening here.”
Bullock made other stops on Tuesday including a biorefining plant in Gowrie and an event in Des Moines.