Law enforcement puts their lives on the line every time their put their badges on to protect and serve their respective communities.
Raccoon Valley Radio recently went on a ride along with Jefferson Police Sergeant Shane Jones to get a better glimpse of the people behind the badges. Jones shares what the hardest part of his job is.
“Just traffic in general and just being out amongst people, and you never know who’s in their phones, who is paying attention, who is not paying attention. I would (also) say traffic stops on Highway 30 when you have people whizzing by you.”
He points out that domestic situations can be problematic because you might have to respond to the call on your own. In those situations, Jones says when he’s talking to one individual, another individual might overhear them and get upset and then the situation can quickly escalate. As for the strangest call he’s responded to was for a wild duck that got in someone’s basement.
At the end of the day, Jones says he tries to treat everyone with respect and in a calm, professional manner.
“(With) Law enforcement, you see people on their best day, and you see people on their worst day, and there’s very few in between. I realize that before I make contact with someone that this probably might not be looked upon favorably by them. If I was to get a ticket, what would my reaction be like, is what I try to think of. I’ve had all ranges of emotions. And I try to work with people as much as I can.”
Jones adds that he likes that every day is different with his job and he’s appreciative of the compliments he receives from the public and he hopes what he does makes a difference in the community.