Vicky Lautner
After working for the City of Jefferson for over 20 years, one employee is calling it a career.
Parks and Recreation Department Director Vicky Lautner will be retiring this October 1st. She reflects upon those decades of working in city government.
“Well it’s been a great experience for me. This is not something that I set out to do. It’s been a lot of fun and I’ve met a lot of people. I’m looking forward to the retirement.”
Before Lautner retires, the Parks and Rec Board is conducting interviews of their top five candidates and will hire one to be her replacement. However, the assistant director’s position is also open at this time. The Board decided to hire the new director first and have that person start August 1st. The Board will then hire an assistant later this year. The interviews started this past Monday and will continue with the final round of interviews this coming Monday.