
Over 25 people attended a meet and greet event of former U.S. Congressman John Delaney at Panorama West Golf Course on Saturday. 

Delaney is running for the Democratic presidential nomination. The New Jersey native advocated for a “Better Care Plan” for healthcare. He said that plan provides basic healthcare for free and leaves Medicare and individual healthcare plans alone. Delaney pointed out that some of the other Democratic candidates are pushing for “Medicare for All” plans, which he said includes making individual healthcare illegal if signed into law. As for public education, Delaney doesn’t want to eliminate college student loan debt because he said that leaves everyone else who paid off their loans looking like “fools.” Instead his plan includes lowering the loan rates and an option to like refinancing a home with a percentage of income. 

On the topic of immigration, Delaney called for a “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” plan. In it, Delaney wants to provide funding to strengthen border security, provide a path to citizenship right away and fix the issues with Central American countries. Delaney believes he can appeal to the independent and moderate voters.

“Our next nominee needs to do to beat (President Donald) Trump and then govern is they actually have to take the real issues that are affecting most Americans at their kitchen table and their pocketbooks, and put forth ideas that are actually workable, they can actually get done, that they show how they’re paid for, and that they can show that they have a path to actually make them happen.”

Delaney also made stops in Des Moines and Boone on Saturday.