The Fourth of July is this Thursday, which means there will be several closures of public entities around Dallas County.
In Perry, all City offices, the water works, McCreary Community Building, and Public Library will be closed all day. Additionally, all residents that have garbage pickup on Thursday will instead have service on Wednesday. As a result, there will be no yard waste collection on Wednesday, but it will resume the following week for the south side of Willis Avenue. Meanwhile, in Adel all City offices and the Public Library will be closed Thursday, though the aquatic center will be open for normal hours. The garbage routes will not be affected.
Finally, all Dallas County offices, included the courthouse, driver’s license station, and Department of Motor Vehicles will be closed for the holiday. The public is also reminded that all post offices and banking institutions throughout the County will be closed July 4th. Anyone with questions is encouraged to reach out to their respective city halls or the Dallas County Operations Department.