
With hotter temperatures happening this weekend, it’s a good time to remind pet owners of some safety tips to keep their animals safe from the summer heat.

People for Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) of Greene County Board member Jill Mills says when outdoor temperatures get above 90-degrees fahrenheit, it is best to avoid leaving your pet inside a vehicle. She points out if it’s 89-degrees outside, the inside temperature of a vehicle can get to 99-degrees within 10 minutes and 114-degrees within 30 minutes.  

“The hotter it is for them to breathe because the air is not circulating and all they’re breathing is the hot, humid weather because they don’t sweat.”  

Mills adds that if you are going to have your pet outside, make sure they have clean and fresh water, and make sure there is a shady spot for them to lay down. She also recommends not letting your pet’s paws be on concrete for too long, especially asphalt because those areas heat up quickly and could cause your pet’s paws to burn.