The Perry Fine Arts Committee is getting ready to wrap up their 2018-19 concert series, and they’re doing it with a proverbial “bang” at their annual Fourth of July Music Extravaganza and Ice Cream Social.
The event will be held at 2 p.m. on July 4th at First United Methodist Church, located at the corner of 3rd Street and Willis Avenue. Committee member Cathy Clark says for this occasion they have elected to buck the trend of bringing in outside performers, and decided to instead give it a local flair. “This year it’s going to be a variety show. Fourth of July this year is special in the town of Perry because we’re celebrating our 150 years. And if you would like to perform and would like to be on our schedule, please contact me or any one of the Perry Fine Arts Committee members. We would like you to join our celebration!”
Clark adds, following the concert everyone is invited to help themselves to homemade ice cream and other desserts. She emphasizes that the venue is air conditioned and downtown, so people won’t have to travel far to get out of the heat and enjoy some music. The concert is free to attend, but free will donations are accepted to go towards future Fine Arts concerts. To learn more or to inquire about performing, contact Clark by phone at 515-681-6184, or by email at cecat49@msn.com.