
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.

The meeting began with approval of payroll change notices, which included several exceptions to the pay plan that were tabled at the previous meeting. Next, the Board approved an amendment to the final plat of plat one of the Turkey Ridge development near Van Meter, to correct the section and township range in the plat that was approved at a prior session. The Supervisors then approved a one-year contract extension for County Engineer Al Miller in the amount of $123,988.80. Miller said he’d be willing to work on a multi-year contract in the future, which the Board will look into at the end of the next fiscal year.

At 9:30 a.m. there was a public hearing regarding the final plat of the Heckman Addition, located near Van Meter. No one spoke against it, so the Supervisors approved the plat as presented. Other items approved included: the second pay application from AECOM in the amount of $77,737.84 for the Auditor’s Office parking lot project; the transfer of $900,000 from the general basic fund to the internal service fund; assigning unspent funds from the previous fiscal year to the next; and the reappointment of Chuck Thompson to the Veteran’s Affairs Commission through 2022.

The meeting concluded with a workshop with the Emergency Medical Services Department, where they discussed but took no action on plans to help more small communities in neighboring counties, as well as upcoming projects with Dallas County Hospital.