The Jefferson Street/Sewer and Sanitation/Water committees met Tuesday.
The sewer committee heard an update on the sewer connection issue at 503 East Vest Street from last month. It was mentioned that a local plumber was contacted, but a cost estimate was not presented so the committee took no action. A discussion then took place on increasing water and sewer rates. City Administrator Mike Palmer said historically they’ve increased water and sewer rates each by three percent each on an annual basis. However he added that the year-to-date financials are holding strong and it was mentioned that a one-percent increase may be needed for the next year. The decision was tabled pending further review of the finances.
The street committee discussed construction plans for a walkway trail from the Greenewood Center to Ram Drive. Plans include a ten-foot wide path in the right-of-way along Highway 4. The walkway would be on the west side of the highway, crossing at Grauer Street to the east side of the highway up to Ram Drive. An easement may be needed from the Church of Christ and flashing lights could be installed at the crossing section. The committee decided to combine that project with the walkway projects on the East Entryway and Central Avenue to the new high school and career academy in order to get a better bid from a contractor.
A request was then made for an Art Fair event on October 12th. Art Fair Chair Ginny Showman said part of their plan includes possibly closing down part of Chestnut Street from Lincoln Way to State Street. The committee agreed with the request, pending final plans being presented at a future meeting.
Finally, a lengthy discussion and eventual approval came regarding the trash truck replacement project. Following the discussion, it was decided that prices for the cost for the City on 95 and 65 gallon trash containers, as well as fees to charge property owners for additional containers, will be available by Tuesday’s city council meeting.