
At the June meeting of the Perry School Board, a portion of the session was devoted to reviewing and discussing the District’s five year facilities plan.

Superintendent Clark Wicks emphasized that while many of the improvements will be costly, they won’t affect tax rates because the money will come from Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) and the Statewide Penny for Infrastructure (SAVE) funds. “I probably have, you know, over 70 different major projects that we need to attend to in the next five years. Fortunately with our PPEL and SAVE, we’re going to be looking at investing anywhere from $250,000 up to possibly $800,000 a year in keeping Perry schools looking sharp, attractive, functional, safe, (and) all of the above as we continue to just really make Perry schools a tremendous place to learn.”

Some of the projects in the plan include: carpet and painting at each of the three buildings; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems; and maintenance on the high school gym. In addition to the five year facilities plan, Wicks also said funds will be allocated to improving the middle school. He pointed out that there are several needs in the building, which will be outlined in a full assessment to be presented to the Board at a later date. To learn more about the Perry facilities plan, click the link below to listen to the most recent Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Wicks.