The West Central Valley Wildcats Baseball team earned two more wins on the season, giving them a total 3 victories for the Summer, so far.

West Central Valley traveled to Woodward Academy on Thursday for a doubleheader, and was able to mercy rule Woodward Academy in both games.

The Wildcats won the opening game easily, 12-2, however the second game was a different story.  West Central Valley won the night cap by the score of 33-18.  That’s not a typo. The Wildcats put up 33 runs on the Acacdemy.  WCV scored on 23 hits and 17 walks for the game.

West Central Valley had its share of difficulty handling the bats of Woodward Academy, as well.  Allowing 18 runs, on 13 hits and 10 walks.

West Central Valley will be back on the diamond tonight in Stuart hosting Woodward-Granger in a doubleheader.