
The Thomas Jefferson Gardens recently released their highlights from the previous year.

During their fiscal year, the Gardens had several visitors. There were people from 40 states and 11 countries that came to the Gardens, totalling 1,476 registered visitors. Some of the major events that the Gardens participated in included the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI), Trick-or-Treat Around the Square, the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony with Jefferson Matters: Main Street and four Meet you Legislator gatherings.

There are two upcoming events later this summer. The Gardens will be serving Thomas Jefferson’s original ice cream recipe on July 23rd at the Greene County Farmers Market. They will also host a summer concert on August 4th.

Finally, the Thomas Jefferson Gardens Board is planning some activities for the rest of the year. They are looking to create a website, install a living water feature, develop an Heirloom Garden, and increase their endowment fund for perpetuity of the Gardens and the Welcome Center.