Below normal temperatures are predicted for the Raccoon Valley Radio-listening area this week with highs reaching below 80 degrees and dipping into lows in the 40s.
Weatherology Chief Meteorologist Paul Trambley explains what to expect in the coming days after last weekend’s warmer temperatures, “Since then we’ve seen a pretty big shift in the jet stream, and the jet stream is kind of what we look at as the divider between the heat and the cool air mass is out of Canada. So when that jet stream builds south of our area it allows for those cooler temperatures out of Canada to infiltrate, and that’s what’s happened here from this past weekend and looks like throughout the week we’re going to see that influence of our flow come out of Canada. So that’s going to kind of keep us away from any of those hot, humid air masses at least for this week.”
Trambley adds that these temperatures are a bit below the normal high temperatures of upper 70s to 80s, and below the normal lows of upper 50s to 60s for central Iowa in mid-June. He predicts a cooler than average summer overall for the state. Listen to Raccoon Valley Radio for weather updates.