The Jefferson City Council will meet tonight.
The Council will hold a public hearing for a general obligation loan agreement not to exceed $243,000 for a “shared use” path from Highway 4 to Walnut Street on Central Avenue, and then consider approving a resolution to set a date to sell the $2.5 million bonds and authorize the use of preliminary official statement. Additionally, the Council will consider for approval the second reading to amend an ordinance to increase the compensation for Council members and the mayor, along with approving the city administrator’s contract and making an appointment to the library board of trustees.
The Council will also hold another public hearing, and then consider approving the plans and specifications on the relocation of 243rd Street for the runway extension project for the airport. They will also approve a grant for the construction of the project. Finally, the Council will hear an update from the Thomas Jefferson Gardens Board.
The meeting takes place at 5:30pm in the City Hall Council Chambers.