It’s the time of year when many people are attempting to clear their homes of unwanted items, and the City of Perry is offering help this weekend with disposal of one specific type of junk.
The annual tire drop off will be held Saturday from 8 a.m. – noon at the Perry Recycle Center, located at 14325 Ivy Place, just to the south of Highway 141 on the west side of 1st Street. Perry Public Works Director Jack Butler says the drop off is another free service the City offers to Perry residents and beyond, though he points out that there are some rules. “You’re allowed five tires for free, and then you have to pay after that. We can’t accept any tires on rims. And the other big thing is this is for homeowners, it’s not for businesses. We’ve had issues with that, where a tire shop comes pulling up with a trailer with 200 tires on it, and it’s not intended for that.”
Butler adds, the drop off service isn’t just for Perry residents. It’s also open to those who live in Dawson and Redfield, and anyone who is a part of the area landfill commission. After the five free tires, the cost is $1 per extra tire, and there is a $5 charge for large truck and tractor tires. For more information on the tire drop off day, contact Perry City Hall at 515-465-2481.