The Stuart City Council met in regular session Monday.
The meeting began with a public hearing for vacation of a portion of South Gaines Street between Southwest 7th and 8th streets for a Casey’s renovation project. The Council then voted to table action on the item for their next meeting. Next, the Council approved directing the City Engineer to survey and make designs for a project to install a storm sewer pipe near the intersection of Southwest 3rd and Harrison streets to mitigate a flooding issue that was investigated in 2010. The Council tabled action on a pay estimate for Northeast 2nd Street in the Wambold 2nd Addition, and approved cigarette permits.
The Council then approved six applications submitted for hotel/motel tax grants. They also approved amendments to the guidelines for the cemetery board and appointed Mary Pease as a board member. The Council approved several items presented by Economic Development Director Kristen Renslow: a letter of support for Dr. Cross of Stuart Family Dental to apply for the Fulfilling Iowa’s Needs for Dentist program, a letter of support for Savannah Homes, Incorporated to apply to the Iowa Economic Development Authority for tax incentives for 10 homes purchased in the Wambold 2nd Addition, submission of a Notice of Interests for hazard mitigation grant funding for additional storm sirens, and to give a 12 month extension to Cardinal Homes, LLC. to build a home at 408 South Gaines Street. Finally, the Council approved a payment of $1,016 to the Stuart Police for additional staffing and related costs for RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bike Across Iowa).