The Adel City Council will convene this evening in regular session.
The meeting will begin with the presentation of the Preservation at its Best Award to Big Blue Bed and Breakfast. That will be followed by recognition of two City employees for five years of service. The Council will then hold a public hearing regarding an ordinance to amend the City’s zoning code to increase the minimum lot size required when public sewers are not available. Following the hearing, the Council will consider action on the ordinance. There will then be department head reports, including a reminder of upcoming utility rate adjustments, and an update on the Economic Development Commission.
In new business, the Council will consider the first reading of a rezone request from Cramer and Associates for 80 acres in the Southbridge Planned Urban Development. The request was tabled from the previous meeting due to not having all Council members present. Also related to Southbridge, the Council will consider forwarding an updated incentive proposal for the Urban Renewal Area to City Attorneys Ahlers and Cooney to prepare for upcoming proceedings. Next, the Council will hold the first readings on an ordinance regarding sanitary sewer requirements under the subdivision code, and an ordinance on increasing the distance in which mandatory sewer connections are required.
Other items on the agenda include: updating compensation rates for elected officials; approving the collective bargaining agreement with the City’s police union; appointments to six Boards and Commissions; the second reading of an amendment to the snow emergency ordinance; designating the low bidder and awarding the contract for construction of the new water treatment plant; approving the contract and bond for the City Hall window replacement; and change orders, pay estimates, and liquor licenses. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. tonight in the Council Chambers at Adel City Hall.