The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.
The meeting began with discussion of a County Informational Technology position with Human Resources Director Pam Lane. No action was taken by the Board. Next, Karen Varley from the Stuart RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) Committee proposed an ordinance to the Board that would restrict people from selling goods in unincorporated areas of the County on July 22nd. Varley said the negative impacts of having vendors in unincorporated areas are that the revenue would leave the county, it could impede the traffic flow and safety of bicyclists, and complicate matters of food safety inspection. County Auditor Marci McClellan spoke on County Attorney Brenna Bird’s behalf about the ordinance, “The County Attorney’s got concerns about the way this particular ordinance is drafted. She would prefer that if you guys opt to do something like this that she get with the committee and figure out precisely what they’re trying to accomplish and draft an ordinance that meets their specific needs.”
The Board then approved abating property taxes at 806 North Street in Guthrie Center, contingent on the City relinquishing their fees and claims against it. The Board also held a public hearing on an Iowa Department of Natural Resources construction permit for a storage unit at Rose Acre Farms. The Board scheduled June 11th to score the master matrix before making its recommendation. They also approved a quote from R & A Risk Professionals for 1019 underground storage tank compliance inspection. Michael S. Lewis of Shive-Hattery Architecture and Engineering gave the Board an update on estimated costs of a new county jail and parking lot reconstruction, and said he would like to meet with the Sid Samuels Group to refine their cost differences. Finally, the Board approved 75% of appropriations for all departments beginning July 1st of the next fiscal year, with the remaining 25% to be held in reserve.