Funeral services have been scheduled for a Jefferson-Scranton High School graduate who died this past Saturday in a Des Moines area race.
Chase Flack of Ames, formerly of Jefferson, collapsed and later died during the Dam to Des Moines race on Saturday. The 26-year-old was a 2011 Jefferson-Scranton graduate. Funeral services will be held at the Greene County Middle School gym at 10am on Friday. Chase’s father Craig describes all the comments he’s been getting from people that knew his son.
“I’ve just had calls from parents and kids that said, ‘He took care of me when I was having a tough time in school,’ (along with) his positive attitude, his hard work ethic (and) he was a joy to work with. To me, it gives me comfort because I think, ‘Well I feel like I’ve succeed because Chase was such a good person.’”
Classmate and friend Connor Peacock talks about how he remembers Chase.
“The man Chase was, was pretty much, the person you wanted around to lighten the mood and to bring a smile on everyone’s face. He had no problem meeting new people (and) bringing them in. If you got to know (him) for just a minute he made you feel like friends, and if you knew him for any longer than that it was like you were family.”
Burial services will be at the Dodge Township Cemetery in Guthrie County. Memorials may be left to the Chase Flack Memorial Fund at Home State Bank in Jefferson. To hear more from Craig Flack, listen to today’s Community State Bank in Paton Let’s Talk Greene County program.