The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
Following a public hearing, the Council approved several amendments to the 2019 fiscal year budget as presented, they also set June 11th at 5:30pm for public hearings on the plans for the relocation of 243rd Street for the airport runway extension project and for a loan agreement for general obligation bonds not to exceed $243,000 for a ten-foot wide “shared use path” along Central Avenue from Highway 4 west to Walnut Street. Additionally, the Council approved the first reading to change an ordinance to increase the Council’s compensation from $30 to $60 per meeting and the mayor’s compensation from $200 to $400 per month.
The Council also approved the purchase of a $14,000 mower for the Public Works Department, forgiving $1,000 on an almost $4,000 sewer bill for a property at 303 East Lincoln Way based on the recommendation from the Water and Sewer Committee and they approved the quarterly funding request for Greene County Development Corporation. The Council then gave their initial agreement to provide a ten-year tax abatement for multi-residential properties, following a housing presentation by Rowland Construction President Andy Rowland, to be approved at a future Council meeting.
The Council also awarded a $563,000 contract to Leroy and Sons to relocate 243rd Street for the airport runway extension project. A representative with the City Engineer Bolton & Menk told the Council they were awarded two federal grants as the match for both the road relocation project and the design and construction for the runway extension. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would supply 90-percent of the $2.34 million projects, while the other 10-percent would come from the federal grant funds.
The meeting ended with quarterly report from Jefferson Matters: Main Street. It was mentioned that the investment drive raised about $67,000 of their $69,000 goal. They also raised $1,900 from the Family Feud fundraiser as well.