White Pole Road from Adair to Dexter will be filled with second-hand treasures and shoppers this Saturday for the annual White Pole Road Marathon Sale.
Those wishing to sell vintage, antique, or other used items are welcome to take part in the event at no charge, but are advised to get the property owner’s permission if you are setting up on someone else’s property. White Pole Road Development Corporation Executive Director Tom Smull describes why he feels this event has become a popular attraction, “I think it’s fun for people with all the attention that people are giving to decluttering your life and getting rid of things that you don’t need. And just the excitement of finding a good bargain or an antique that was well priced, I think that gets people excited.”
This rain or shine event will feature sales in Adair, Casey, Menlo, Stuart, and Dexter, with some sales starting early on Friday. For more information visit here.