Kids Fest 2017
The annual Perry Public Library Kidsfest is coming up this weekend, and the public is invited to help kickoff this year’s Summer Reading Program.
Library Director Mary Murphy says the event will be on Saturday from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., located at the public library, the Carnegie Library Museum, and in between the two on Railroad Street. The theme for this year is “Universe of Stories,” and activities at Kidsfest will include games, face painting, balloon twisting, and farm animals. Murphy adds, the Perry Fire Department will once again be serving lunch, and they’ll be joined this year by a few friends. “We have added something this year, it’s called ‘Touch a Truck.’ And all the Public Works Department and the Police Department are going to bring out all their trucks and tractors. And if you have someone who likes that in your family, bring them on down and experience (that). All the fire trucks have always been there. But it’s all free, and lunch is a dollar. So it’s a good deal for a family. It’s very economical and it’s fun!”
Additionally, the Raccoon Valley Radio Big Red Radio will once again be at Kidsfest. We will be set up on Railroad Street between the two libraries, where we will broadcast live, play music, and provide public address services. To learn more about Kidsfest and the Perry Library Summer Reading Program, click the links below to listen to the two-part Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Murphy, Suzanne Kestel, and Misty VonBehren.