Crossroads Church in Perry is getting ready to host their annual “Garage Free” event, and they’re looking for donations from the community.
This is the 13th year of the event, which features a wide variety of household items that can be had at no cost. However, before the church can open its doors on Saturday, June 8th, they are in need of items to give away. Donations of clean an usable items can be made from now until June 3rd at Crossroads Church, located north of Perry on Highway 144. Tube televisions and computer monitors will not be accepted. People wanting to donate are encouraged to call the church ahead of time at 515-465-5478 to ensure the auditorium is open for their offerings, or you can also schedule a time to drop items off.
The sale will run from 8 a.m. – noon on June 8th, and it’s open to anyone in the community with no questions asked. For more information or to donate or volunteer, you can email the church staff at heather@cr4u.net.