
At the May meeting of the Perry School Board, one of the action items was to set the meal prices for the next school year.

Food Service Director Gail McFarlin presented her proposal, which included a $.10 increase in lunch prices across the board. She emphasized that the increase is brought on by the state, which dictates the ranges for school lunch prices, adding that she’s had to play catch up to the standards over the last couple years. McFarlin also pointed out that breakfast will remain free for all students. Lunch at Perry Elementary will be $2.65 for those paying full price, while at the high school and middle school it will cost $2.80. The price for adults will be $3.80 per meal. Additionally, the price for milk rose by $.05 to $.45 per carton.

Another point of emphasis for the lunch pricing is that there will be no change in the price for students on the reduced meal cost program, which is $.40 per meal. Perry has a free and reduced meal percentage of 72.3%, one of the highest in the state. Finally, McFarlin said there will be a $.25 increase in the price for adult meals during the summer, with breakfast now set to cost $2, and lunch $3.75. There is no charge for meals for children age 18 and younger during the summer. The Board approved the meal prices as presented.