The Greene County School Board met in special session Thursday.
The meeting started in a private hearing that was requested by high school language arts teacher Melanie Rechkemmer that took place in a closed session. Following the hearing, the Board took action in open session. They decided to terminate the continuing contract and offer a one-year full-time probationary contract. Details will be determined by administration and the Iowa School Counselor Association (ISCA) to increase the student numbers for the 2019-2020 school year. The contract will be under the 2019-2020 salary schedule.
Prior to the special meeting, Superintendent Tim Christensen had recommended reducing Rechkemmer’s position from full-time to half-time. Rechkemmer wanted to hold a private hearing to appeal the recommendation to the School Board.
The Board approved the decision 5-0, with board members Dr. Steve Karber and Sam Harding absent from the meeting.