The remodel of the first floor of the Dallas County Courthouse is nearly complete, though there have been a few hiccups along the way.
Most notably the contractor, Trinity Construction, was delayed a few days by the amount of time it took for the Clerk of Court and Juvenile Court Services to vacate the first floor and move to their new offices in the east wing of the second floor. Trinity had hoped to be finished with the structural aspects of the renovation by May 28th, leaving only the furnishing and networking pieces to be completed before the new occupants could move in. However, it now appears they may not be done until the first week of June.
Jerry Purdy with Design Alliance says the contractor will be working as quickly as possible to finish the job, though he emphasizes that the quality of the work won’t suffer as a result. Once completed, the first floor will be occupied by the Treasurer’s Motor Vehicle Department in the east wing, and the Recorder’s Office and Treasurer’s Tax Department in the west. This is the second of three phases of the courthouse renovation, the third phase being the construction of a new courtroom in the west wing of the second floor.