As the days continue to get warmer, Perry residents are starting to more frequently groom their lawns. However, the City reminds people to keep cut grass out of the streets and other right-of-ways.
City Administrator Sven Peterson says a part of the City’s grass ordinance involves cleaning up after you’re done mowing. “Please remember that it is illegal to blow grass clippings into the street. Not only does it clog the storm drains and flood streets, but it also is dangerous for motorcycles and bicyclists. So please be careful, please make another swipe past the street with your mower or your leafblower, and get those grass clippings out of the street. Just be a good neighbor!”
The Perry Police Department and Public Works will monitor and enforce the regulation, and in some cases they may issue a citation to homeowners. As a reminder of the other aspect of Perry’s grass ordinance: grass, weeds, and brush cannot exceed eight-inches in length. If found out of compliance, lawns will be mowed by the City at the resident’s expense. Anyone with questions is encouraged to reach out to Perry City Hall at 515-465-2481.