Photo of current ambulance
Those who work on medicine’s “front line” of lifesaving services are being honored during the 45th annual National EMS Week.
Communities and other agencies are encouraged to celebrate those who work in ambulance or paramedic services, and one local paramedic has recently taken on the role of Stuart Rescue Director. Sean Bovinett of Dexter has been a paramedic for four years, working for Mercy Ambulance in Des Moines and has been with Stuart Rescue since 2018. Bovinett was hired as the director on March 19th. He says his interests in science and helping others are what drew him to Emergency Medical Services, “You know a lot of people say we save lives and yes, that is part of my job, but a lot of times there’s a lot more to it than just the patient. We deal with families and stuff like that and so it’s all got its rewarding sides to it.”
Some goals for his first year as Stuart Rescue Director include generating greater staff retention and community outreach such as CPR training. You can hear more from Bovinett in today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program on air and at raccoonvalleyradio.com.