Two Stuart churches are joining forces to expand a produce garden for the community.

Pastor Dean Porter of New Beginnings Open Bible Church has worked largely by himself on a community garden located north of the church on Southwest 7th Street. For two years Porter has grown produce and offered it to low-income residents, and this year the Stuart-Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church has reached out to help, doubling the size of the garden to grow produce like tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, and squash. While the garden might not have an official title, Porter shares his vision for the property, “I changed it from a ‘Community Garden’ to a ‘Garden for the Community.’ To me that means that we’re giving the produce to the people in need. Before a community garden you’d come plant your (vegetables) and then reap the harvest, and they can still do that but I want to reach out to the people that need a little help.”

Porter adds that residents are welcome to come help in the garden and learn to grow their own produce. He wishes for the garden to create more fellowship in the Stuart community.