A large group of people filled the gym at the McCreary Community Building in Perry for the opportunity to hear from a high-profile candidate for President of the United States.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders visited Dallas County for the first time since declaring his intention to seek the Democratic nomination for President. After some initial comments from his Iowa campaign manager and a local activist, as well as by the co-creator of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Ben Cohen, Sanders took the stage to address the eager audience. He talked about a wide variety of topics, putting special emphasis on the “Medicare for All” plan that has become a popular platform for several in the Democratic Party.
After discussing the various progressive policies he’s most passionate about, Sanders then presented his plans for implementing them in the face of heavy opposition, which centered around the phrase, “Us, Not Me.” “So the reason why we talk about ‘Us, Not Me’ in this campaign is that if I’m elected President, I can’t do it alone. I’m not saying to you, ‘Vote for me, I’m going to do it all!’ Can’t be done! Wall Street won’t allow it, the drug companies won’t allow it, insurance companies, agribusiness, (and the) military industrial complex. The only way we successfully take them on is when millions of people stand up and say, ‘Enough is enough, (and) that corporate greed will not destroy this country!’”
Following his speech, Sanders fielded several questions from attendees, ranging from student loan forgiveness to how he would tackle climate change. He then concluded the town hall by imparting some final words on his plan to defeat the incumbent President in the 2020 general election. Sanders is one of 20 Democratic candidates currently vying for the nomination in next year’s primaries.