Those wanting to help in the fight against cancer can wear their most elaborate hat for a fundraiser this afternoon.
The Shirley Hall and Betty Smith Relay for Life teams are hosting their annual Kentucky Derby fundraiser from 3-7:30 p.m. at the Owl’s Nest in Panora. Kim Durst with the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life of Guthrie County praises the two teams for their effort, “You know they’re going to a lot of work. Both families have been touched by cancer and this is a fun way for them to all come together and remember those they’ve lost to cancer, and celebrate those that are still with them, and fight back against cancer on the day of the Kentucky Derby. So it’s a great day and a nice event.”
There will be horse race betting, raffles, drink specials, and prizes will be given for the best decorated hat. Proceeds will be given to Relay for Life of Guthrie County.