Tree planting day with Greene Co 8th graders in 2019
Greene County 8th graders learned first-hand how to plant trees and the importance that they provide to the environment with a special program earlier this week.
The Jefferson Tree Committee partnered with Trees Forever, the City of Jefferson, Wells Fargo Bank and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the educational program. The students were shown a tree planting demonstration on Thursday at Greene County High School, with Trees Forever Coordinator Brad Riphagen along with the Jefferson Tree Committee members. Then on Friday, the students and Wells Fargo volunteers planted about 30 trees in the northwest part of the city.

Riphagen said the program is great for both the students as well as the tree committee members. He pointed out that not only do the students not have a working knowledge of how to plant a tree, they also have a personal investment into the community. Riphagen enjoys teaching the students about planting trees and the benefits they give to the environment.
Trees that were planted included: red, white, black and chinquapin oaks. Plus, each 8th grader received native Iowa tree seedlings as part of a grant through the Iowa DNR for counties affected by the Emerald Ash Borer.