Now that the City of Jefferson’s Spring Clean-Up Week is over, some residents might still have yard waste to get rid of.
Residents and property owners can open burn yard waste from 7am to 9pm everyday and all year round within the city limits. Police Chief Mark Clouse says the open burn ordinance prohibits burning on any city street or alleyway. He points out another helpful tip for those residents that want to open burn yard waste that may have neighbors close by.
“And I always like to point out to folks, try to be a good neighbor. If your neighbors are having a family get together outside, don’t light big ‘ol smoky pile of leaves you know at that time. Try to be a good neighbor.”
Clouse suggests someone constantly monitors the open burn until it is done and it has been put out.
Residents and property owners can also take yard waste to the yard waste dump site located at Daubendiek Park. It is open everyday and yard waste is accepted from Jefferson residents only.