
It may be quiet in the Panora Public Library, but kids and adults are encouraged to make some noise outside at their new music park.

The Panora Library Board installed this new free attraction last Saturday, which includes xylophones and drums. Board member Dave Grove proposed this project, after seeing similar installations in other parts of the state. Grove says he wasn’t sure if the Board was going to get the installation completed by their target date of April, but is glad it’s now open for use, “We’re pretty darn excited about that new opportunity for our community to showcase activities and a lot of things that we have to offer here in Panora plus it’s right at the doorstep of our library which kids will likely be the main users of those instruments and hopefully they come in and check out a book or use some of our other services there.”

The music park is located on the south side of the library, and was paid for by donors including Jim and Joyce McLuen. Grove hopes the park will expand with more donations for instruments for Panora residents and visitors to enjoy.