
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.

The meeting began with the ratification of union contracts for the County Attorney’s Office, Emergency Medical Services professionals, Secondary Roads Department, and Sheriff’s Office. Next, the Board approved the fourth pay application for the courthouse renovation project, in the amount of $110,485. Jerry Purdy from Design Alliance also gave an update on the progress of the remodel, saying the first floor is slated to be completed by May 28th at the latest. Following that, Purdy gave a presentation on Design Alliance joining the Farnsworth Group, a national architecture firm. The Board approved a consent to assignment agreement to continue work with Purdy and his firm under the new name.

At 9:30 a.m., the Supervisors held a public hearing on transferring ownership of the two parking lots located at the Waukee trailhead of the Raccoon River Valley Trail. County Conservation Director Mike Wallace said the City already provides maintenance and improvements to the lots, so the shift in ownership was a logical step. No one objected during the hearing, so the Board approved the resolution. Other items on the agenda included a change order of $6,274.07 for the Auditor’s Office parking lot project, and the certification of several local budgets.

Finally, the Supervisors held a discussion on the property tax bill approved at the State Legislature, with State Senator Jake Chapman on hand to provide insight. The Board took no action on the topic.