
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month.

With warmer weather brings different kinds of challenges for motorists around their vehicles with farm implements, deer are more on the move, more people are walking and bicycling, but Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams says technology inside the vehicle remains one of the biggest challenges.

“It’s supposed to be hands-free cars, but you still have to look at the screen to pick the name that you want to call if it doesn’t recognize your voice. So just try and stay completely hands free and keep your eyes on the road.”

Other distractions include eating food and if something should happen to fall to the floor of your vehicle, Williams doesn’t recommend trying to pick it up while driving.

“If you drop something, pull over and pick it up. As most people’s reaction when they lean over to grab something is the steering wheel kind of follows their body movement.”

When that happens, Williams notes, you could cause danger to yourself by driving into a ditch and risk striking another vehicle or person.