The annual Perry High School Prom is this weekend, and this year students and their dates are invited to “A Night at the Oscars.”
The festivities will be held Saturday evening, starting with the Grand March at 5 p.m. at the high school. The public is invited to attend and see the students in their formal attire and take pictures. At 6:30 p.m., the attendees will head to the dinner and dance, located at the National Guard Armory. During the dance, there will be several activities and a variety of prizes for students to win, including a television, an Amazon Alexa system, gift cards, cash prizes, and more.
Following the dance, attendees will return to the high school for the After Prom festivities. Activities will be held throughout the school and include a hypnotist show, mini-golf, inflatables, and an assortment of games. The entire event has been organized by the Junior Class Prom Committee, and Class President Hannah Peterson says it was a lot more work than any of them imagined it would be. However, she felt it has come together very well, thanks in large part to the support of the parents, community, and school staff.
Tickets for the Perry Prom can be purchased ahead of time in the high school office through Friday, though there will be some tickets available at the door. The cost is $30 per person, and includes a t-shirt.