The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.
The Board approved a payroll increase for secondary roads employee Jason Carroll as he concluded his six month probationary period. The Board discussed fiscal year 2019 budget amendments with the County Attorney, Recorder, Engineer, and Sheriff’s offices. County Engineer Josh Sebern commented on this spring being the worst the County has seen in decades in terms of road damage. His overall amended increase is $600,000. The Sheriff’s Office’s amendment calls for a budget increase of $108,186, much of the increase attributed to housing inmates outside the county, food and medical expenses, and engineering costs for the jail project.
Kelly Campbell of the U.S. Census Bureau discussed the importance of the 2020 census and sought the Supervisors’ assistance in getting the word out to residents. The Board approved a copier lease agreement for the health services department, a professional services agreement amendment with Shive Hattery Architecture and Engineering for land surveying and civil engineering master planning for the courthouse, and an updated job description for Human resources Director Pam Lane.