
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

During open forum, County Environmental Health Administrator Chuck Wenthold said two notices of intent to build hog confinements were issued by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the Brown and McCormick Finishers for their respective Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs).

Also during open forum, county resident Chris Henning urged the Supervisors contact State Senator Jerry Behn to vote in favor of establishing a committee to review the master matrix. She said a similar bill failed to pass in the Iowa House. The master matrix is the system that the legislature put in place for counties to utlitize to regulate CAFOs under DNR supervision and approval. The Board took no action on the request.

The Board then approved hiring Laura Snider as a part-time assistant county attorney. She is a Drake University Law School graduate, who has worked in private law for six years. Snider will work 15 hours per week with an annual salary of $40,000 and no benefits. She will also get 60 hours of vacation time and will continue to practice family law, but has discontinued practicing private criminal law to avoid conflict of interests working for the county. Additionally, the Board approved the County Sheriff’s quarterly report of fees for January through March of $54,689.