
The West Central Valley School Board met in regular session Wednesday.

The meeting began with the Board approving a 2020 middle school student trip to Washington, D.C., and allowing any fundraising by students be done on school grounds. Next, the Board approved changing the date of the high school spring concert from Thursday, May 9th to Wednesday, May 8th citing a conflict with the district track meet. The Board also approved bids from Schwinger Lawn Care and Short’s Lawn Care to mow the Stuart and Dexter buildings and Redfield building, respectively, and they approved awarding a new three year contract to Access Systems for copiers, at savings of $1,112 per month.

The Board then approved the classified staff compensation agreement of three years with a 2.25% increase in pay each year. Superintendent Lance Ridgely then presented a certified staff compensation agreement of three years with a 3.03% increase in pay the first year and subsequent years to be discussed. The proposal failed to pass with a vote of 3-2 not in favor. They then scheduled an exempt session for further negotiation on April 24th at 7 p.m. The Board also approved a bus use agreement for the summer rec club, and received an update on the elementary restructuring. Finally, the Board accepted Chad Waddell’s resignation from the Board as he no longer lives in the District, and then appointed Tiawny Meyers to serve for District Two. Meyers was sworn in, and her term will end this November.